Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Wordless Wednesday ~ CREEPY


Anonymous said...

Very cool shot. They make some of the most beautiful webs, yet they can freak you out so much....

Anonymous said...


I'm just glad it's not in MY house. I agree with Guppyman, though. Very cool shot.

Anonymous said...

ewwwww, ewwwww, ewwww.
This would be a great photo for a W W when it's close to Halloween!!

But for now....still yukky.

Thanks for the visit Beckie.

Angela said...

WOW lot's of things fell victim to this one aye?. :-)
Happy WW

Virginia Revoir said...


Amydeanne said...

ick ick ick lol

Michelle said...

(*scream*) just what I dont want popping up! Did you take that pic yourself??? The spider looks huge!

Meira{FB} said...

blaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh eeeeeeekkkkk
I hate spiders.

Deb @ Sugarfused said...

Yikes! That's a great picture but I don't know if I could have gotten that close to it!

Frances D said...

I'm wordless with fright.
Shivering my shoes here in New York,

Debby said...

icky! icky! ewwwwww! yuck! Actually quite beautiful though!
Happy Wednesday!

Anonymous said...

Creepy is right. It gives me chills

Jodi said...

ewwwww creepy is right!

Thanks for stopping by!

Happy Wednesday!

Anonymous said...

Oh gosh ya could have given a shout of warning! That spider creeps me out! Cool shot though.

Looney Mom™ said...

Whoa! Awesome spider! Super cool!

Bennu said...

cool spider, goes with Halloween and my full moon. Thanks for stopping by, hope to see you again soon.

Anonymous said...

I don't like spiders very much. But the shot you have taking is incredible.


Yikes! a Spider......I hate that.
Thanks for passing by.

Anonymous said...

I have heard those things called cotton spiders, corn spiders, and orb spiders. When we first moved into this house there were so many of them. Now, not so much. The boys had on on the outside of their window that was pretty big

Anonymous said...

it is creepy. yet i find it amazing ww's up! ;)

Anonymous said...

Wow! This is awesome! So clear! we have some spider shots but none so good as this one. Great.