Wednesday, November 15, 2006

WORDLESS WEDNESDAY ~ Don't EVEN think about it!

Not quite wordless...Out in the country where we live, occasionally young people will "ride the roads" and smash mail boxes with baseball bats. This ingenious person seems to have found a unique way to prevent this from happening!


Anonymous said...

I think they at least are getting the message across! Neat capture!
My WW is up. Happy Wednesday!

Anonymous said... clever! I love this shot, I guess you can say that the owner went "postal" on those mischievious youngsters! LOL
Mine's up too.

Anonymous said...

Your caption is so appropriate!!!
Happy WW!!
Do stop by and have a chuckle at my WW :-)

Anonymous said...

LOL - that is just too cute. I don't understand that people like to destroy property...

Happy Wednesday, Beckie :)

ren powell said...

Brilliant. Wonder what one could do with all the recycled bats?

Anonymous said...

that's creative!

MaR said...

And I thought country life was so quiet and peaceful...lovely colors, nice pic!

Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

Yes, I remember mail box bashing...NOPE I never did it but it was done to our mail box a lot!! This guy probably has the right idea. you and your pictures. You are so GOOD with that camera. Mine is up today too..Sandy

Celfyddydau said...

That is a great photo. Love that the mailbox "Eats" the baseball bat. Well it looks like rows of spikey teeth to me.

Great photojournalism

Heth said...

Great photo! And a good idea for rural postal customers.

Lazy Daisy said...

Couldn't resist it! Off to Indy hopefully home by Tuesday. Can you stoke the fire once a day, it looks like we are in for cold weather. Thanks neighbor!

Viamarie said...

Brilliant idea.

My WW is up.

Rayne said...

Funny photo. I am glad you took the time to explain it because I was sitting there staring at it trying to figure out what decorating theme we were going for here.

Anonymous said...

LOL! Awesome!

Gattina said...

Lol, at least this person has a lot of phantasy ! I would call this a hedgecock mailbox ! Should do ours the same way, I think our mailman would be delighted !

Holly Schwendiman said...

They sure did find a way! ;o)

Holly's Corner

Anonymous said...

I don't know why people get such thrills out of smashing mailboxes, but kudos to this person for making a defense!!

Moogie said...

Absolutely brilliant! What a great idea!

Mine is up as well! Have a wonderful day!

Cassandra said...

Very smart of them! Thanks for stopping by!

BlondeBrony said...

That is a great idea.
Happy WW!

Unknown said...

how creative that picture is

Frances D said...

Beautiful shot.
Artistic and practical.
A real slice of Americana.
He/she should get a patent on that system.
Take care,

Unknown said...

I love mailboxes with not only character, but an attitude as well!
Really cool shot!
Happy WW!

Anonymous said...

Ha! He's got spikes going through his. How ingenious.

Thanks for stopping by.

Melli said...

Hmmm... in MY neighborhood of the country, the kids would take that as an "open invitation" -- they would take THAT bat and proceed to bash the box - from the sides! Good TRY though!!!

Melissa H. said...

In my old neighborhood, people bricked their mailboxes to prevent the bats from breaking them. Lots of shredded bats from kids trying!

WW: Cat Bath

Michelle said...

I love clever mail boxes! It almost looks like a person with spikey hair!

Jodi said...

What a clever thing to do!! Thanks for stopping by!

Happy Wednesday!

Marti said...

Pretty clever! We live out in the country too, and people our here some folks built big sone enclosures around their maikboxes.

I went funny today - have a pic of a turkey and a cat standoff! lol

Anais Nin said...

How funny!

Lynn said...

Wow there is a lot of work put into that mail box!

Anonymous said...

What a great idea! Nice photo!

Connie said...


Anonymous said...

Why would people do that to mailboxes? I guess his is protected!

Shelley said...

This is a great photo...good catch!! No pun intended!!

Anonymous said...

That is so awesome. Around ehre they like to knock over mailboxes instead of smashing them.