OK, I goofed...just enjoy my red shots!
This weeks theme is RED. If you read my other blog, you know that RED is my favorite color! And it just so happens that I have several RED pictures to share. In fact I couldn't decide which one is my favorite. I was even going to share one of Grammy's Girl in a red sweater, but decided not to. Have fun today!
I'm feeling:
I love that second photo!! We have a lot of cardinals here... they are beautiful birds...
Do you have the themes saved somewhere? Back in mid-January the red theme was removed and it's Broken this week (someone brought it to my attention that red was used toward the end of December so I changed it). It's the only one that changed... so the rest should be OK.
No worries - just so you know in case you see others that aren't red or someone says it's the wrong theme.
My apologies.
That red sky is just gorgeous! That's how the sky gets in Hawai'i when the volcano is erupting. Just breath taking! I love the train too. Little Red Caboose!
I'm up too.
Lovely red photos all of them!!! they're all so different from each other so I can't decide of any favorite :)
Great pictures, I especially like the birds.
Hey, Red's good too! Especially that beautiful sky, and you caught that cardinal beautifully! Happy Photohunting :)
You may have goofed, but your shots are gorgeous! Your photography is beautiful and I so enjoy coming here. The sky is gorgeous and my boys will love the caboos tomorrow when I show them.
Red ? you must be in the wrong movie ! This week we are all "broken" ! But your red pictures are beautiful ! better than my "broken" once !
Ooh that first picture is gorgeous. Red is one of my favorite colors. :)
Happy Saturday!
Even though the theme changed for this week, those are some gorgeous red pictures! I really like the first one the best!
Although you might have goofed on the theme for this week - I still enjoy looking at your photography :)...I love all three of them.
Have a blessed Saturday, Beckie...
I love the red theme anyway :-)
That red sky is beautiful!! And so are the cardinals. And the red train car is neat.
Great red sky. Lovely pictures.
Mine's up.
I am sssooo jealous of your bird shot! It's awesome!
Everytime I get anywhere close to my feeder they take off!
Beautiful pictures! Great job!
Great red photos. I'm an avid birder and the cardinal is gorgeous. Love the red train too and the sunset is stunning.
Mine is up too.
Red? Where do you find that red is the theme. I musta missed something, 'cause I found the theme 'broken' on TNChick's list.
Beautiful pics tho.
Mine's up
Wow love all three photo's!!!!
The red sky is gorgeous!!
I absolutely love the red train - but of course I love trains!!! (I have a few posted as Wordless Wednesdays on my blog)
ALso love the cardinals that is a great shot!!
my broken is not as exciting :-)
Yep, I found out just in time that the theme changed. Anyway, great red shots. The cardinal is beautiful.
Your RED pics are fabulous! I LOOOOVE that caboose! And the cardinal too... actually they're ALL great shots - I can see why you would have a hard time deciding!
Beautiful pictures!
Thanks for the comment you left on my blog.
all so beautiful! HDR stands for high dynamic range and is used through a program such as photoshop. It brings out more colors in your pic essentiallly.
Outstanding shots, beautiful!!!!
that red sky is incredible! Im playing too!
red, more red and then brilliant red -- photos are great! Thanks for stopping by.
Even though you had the wrong theme this week, these are beautiful photos! I love the cardinal! Just gorgeous! My photo is up, please come and visit
I love the cardinal pictures. So far I haven't been in the right place at the right time to catch them.
Has anyone else noticed that Mr. Linky is not working right? A couple of weeks ago, when you put in your link and posted it a couple of times... he would remember the link automatically on the next one... not so lately... annoying. Hey! Mr. Linky fits the theme too.... BROKEN!
What cool pix of red!
Mine's up too :)
Beautiful pictures!! I like red too, it's so vibrant and says, look at me!!!
Happy Saturday!
Such exellent photos you posted here. Even though the weeks theme were Broken, you in a way hit it all the way: Broken rules. Just great.
The bird reminds me of a pic that hangs in our living room.
Lovely bird shot. Red just happens to be my fav color.
My favorite is the caboose. Since reading something in childhood, I have always wanted to live in a caboose in the middle of a field of flowers.
Even though the theme was changed the "red" theme pictures are outstanding. Thanks for stopping by and have a great weekend!
All 3 shots are beautiful - the sky being my favourite. Happy weekend.
That red Cardinal is beautiful. What a great shot.
Wonderful trio of red photos. They are all so different but so terrific!
ok that's fine, i just brought a lot of bran-new emo backgrounds to my blog
I begin on internet with a directory
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